Neckermann Strategic Advisors collaborated with the NAFA Foundation on a unique and thorough white paper: THE MOBILITY REVOLUTION: A PRIMER FOR FLEET MANAGERS Written by Lukas

Neckermann Strategic Advisors collaborated with the NAFA Foundation on a unique and thorough white paper: THE MOBILITY REVOLUTION: A PRIMER FOR FLEET MANAGERS Written by Lukas
Data. It’s the new oil, and a source of paranoia for a new generation. It’s the glue that justifies and holds together business plans. It’s
Nothing breeds complacency like unchallenged dominance. Just ask the German national football (soccer) team. Like this year’s World Cup squad, the German auto and energy industries
When faced with daily doses of tragedy – volcanoes, heat waves, wildfires, school shootings, corrupt international political networks, and the consequences of extremism – it
On July 1st, Elon Musk declared Tesla to be a “real car company”, after overcoming “production hell”* and hitting ambitious targets for its new Model
This month, merely 28 years after the UK government first agreed to expand capacity in the South-East of England, Theresa May’s cabinet approved building a third runway at Europe’s busiest
End subsidies for parking before they kill us Parking subsidies – for city residents and for visitors – adversely impact a city’s air pollution, the
Germany’s high court has now permitted cities to individually ban diesels. Hamburg was the first to ban pre-Euro 6 diesel engine vehicles on a
In 2017, the US state of Georgia revoked a $5,000 electric vehicle (EV) incentive program, and instead imposed the country’s highest extra fee for registering an
FIVE QUESTIONS FOR… NEIL ZELLER, INVESTOR AND ADVISOR IN URBANTECH We are sharing excerpts from our new book, Smart Cities, Smart Mobility: Transforming the Way We